Natalie Grace Marcano Shares Her Story of Survival


My name is Natalie Grace Marcano, and I want to share my story. It's not easy, but I feel it's important for people to know what I've been through.

For the past two years, I've been in a relationship with Thomas Allen Carver. At first, everything seemed fine, but things quickly took a dark turn. The violence escalated, and now I fear for my life.

One night, we were arguing in the car when Thomas became violent. He threw my phone out the window, hit me in the face, and pulled my hair. When we got back to his place, things only got worse. He grabbed my blouse and pushed me down. I was terrified.

I've tried to leave him multiple times, but he always finds a way to come back into my life. He's threatened me, assaulted me, and even choked me. I'm scared to call the police because he's threatened to kill me if I do.

I'm sharing my story because I want others to know that they're not alone. Domestic violence is real, and it can happen to anyone. I'm determined to break free from this cycle of abuse, but I need help.

I'm speaking out in the hope that others will hear my story and find the strength to seek help if they're in a similar situation. No one deserves to live in fear, and everyone deserves to feel safe in their own home.


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