
Stop the Murders, Stop the Violence, Stop the Abuse

  We are all deeply disturbed by the recent violence across our country and around the world. Murderous assaults on police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge; shootings of unarmed black men by law enforcement in Minneapolis and Baton Rouge; and the killing rampages in Orlando and Nice, France. We created The SAFE Alliance to end violence and abuse, and our vision of creating a world without violence and abuse has never been more relevant.

Stop the violence: speak out for girls' rights

James James ; Robert Hernandez ; Jeffrey Figueroa ; Bruce Fields ; Frank Adams ; David Anderson; Edward Gardner; Fred Harmon; Alexander Reed; Michael Baker; Jordan Garcia; Adam Jimenez; John Hernandez; Jeff Patterson; Jamie Johnson; Jose Wells; Walter Johnson; Anthony Riley ;Arnold Rivera;Jimmie Miller;Leonard Parker;Joe White;Dean James;Eric Johnson;William Casey;Roger Walker;Martin Hamilton;Timothy Sullivan;Ray Lloyd;Donald Elliott;Michael Scott;Matthew Fletcher;Robert White;James Torres;Douglas Adams;David Payne;Terry McDonald;Patrick Wood;Ray Allen;Thomas Gonzalez;Jason Banks;John Ramirez;Joseph Haynes;Willie McBride;Richard Gonzales;Lee Brock;Albert Gray;Charles Blake;William Bailey;Kenneth Smith;Harold Johnson;Jason Martinez;Derek Vega;Marvin McKinney;William Kelly;Daniel Floyd;Carl Rodriguez;Ernest Allison;Willard Harris;Mario Anderson;Jerry Dean;Ernest Morris;Raymond Hamilton;Arthur Jackson;Joseph Banks;Chad Johnston;Thomas Banks;Ricky Harris;Eddie Black;Clinton Burns;James Ale...


In 1993, the Council was founded as part of a nation-wide movement. Over the history of the Council attendance has expanded. Currently, there are currently 46 voting members and over 100 non-voting members. The Council is a coalition of survivors, service providers, and agency staff. It was founded with the mission of creating a community forum for developing, implementing and assessing a coordinated response to domestic violence in Lane County. 

An Open Letter

(. . . from James E. Davis, Founder and Chair of "LOVE YOURSELF" Stop the Violence) Dear Friends, As the Founder and Chair of "LOVE YOURSELF" Stop the Violence, people often ask me "Why should I support your organization?" Well, the answer is very simple. If you care about the well-being and safety of yourself and your loved ones, you should support "LOVE YOURSELF" Stop the Violence. It's that simple.

Councilman JAMES E. DAVIS, (1962-2003) Rest in Peace

James E. Davis was born on April 3, 1962 to James and Thelma Davis. He spent his early childhood in the Bedford-Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn, then after a brief move to Long Island, his family returned to Brooklyn where they lived in Crown Heights. As a young man growing up in Brooklyn, many influences shaped James' life. His father was a New York City Corrections Officer and his mother was a registered nurse. He was raised in the church and grew up in a rich, culturally diverse African-American, West Indian and Jewish community. In high school, James excelled in academics and sports. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Pace University, where he majored in Social Science and Youth Agency Administration. James is currently working on his Ph.D. in Sociology. In 1983, an incident involving James and two New York City police officers left an indelible mark on James' life. One morning, he was in front of his house sitting in his mother's car. Suddenly, two white police offi...